Caring for Leather

We all love our gear looking clean smooth and shinny. Nothing beats the authentic look of leather in the midday sun. But believe me achieving and maintaining this look can be a tedious exercise. The amount of work involved can be so stressful really. But what if I told you there are quick, efffective methods you can use to care for your leather gear ?



The Trunk Club informs us that, Items that get regular wear (your favorite work shoes, for example) should be wiped down with a damp cloth weekly to remove dirt and dust. Leather should be kept dry, but if it does get wet, let it dry naturally. Forced heat spells damage to this natural material, and sunlight will fade the color.

At the beginning of each season, take some time to apply the proper care products. A leather conditioner, applied every few months (see more on this below), keeps it soft and prevents drying and cracking. Don’t be alarmed when conditioner darkens your leather upon contact. It will lighten as it dries.

Adding Shine :
Avoid the Heat : 
Wipe it clean:

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